

Review of the International Conference "German-Polish Future Markets" by AHK Polska at IHK Hannover

Last week, this year's international conference "German-Polish Future Markets" organized by AHK Polska took place at IHK Hannover.

We are proud to have been a partner of this special event.


ICLA International Commercial Law Alliance Annual Conference in Miami

What a memorable experience this years ICLA International Commercial Law Alliance Annual Conference in Miami was – an inspiring event hosted by our estemeed US ICLA member firm Venable LLP. Representing TIGGES, our partners Klaus-Peter Langenkamp, Michael Niermann and Dr. Dominik Wagner, LL.M., EMBA were delighted to attend and engage with colleagues from across the globe.


AHV NRW webinar "AHV Focus: Law and Sales in Europe using Poland as an Example"

Recently, the AHV NRW webinar "AHV Focus: Law and Sales in Europe using Poland as an Example" took place. In this webinar, experts from our Poland competence team highlighted the opportunities and challenges of the Polish market.


Ceremonial opening of the representative office of the Katowice Chamber of Industry and Commerce (RIG Katowice) in Germany, based at TIGGES

On the occasion of the official opening of the representative office of the Katowice Chamber of Industry and Commerce (RIG Katowice) in Germany, based at TIGGES in Düsseldorf, we had the great pleasure this week of welcoming outstanding guests and experiencing inspiring words of welcome from representatives from politics and business. The evening reception, organised by TIGGES together with NRW.Global Business and Regionalna Izba Gospodarcza w Katowicach, was an impressive testimony to the close economic cooperation between North Rhine-Westphalia and Silesia.


Webinar: AHV Focus / Law and distribution in Europe using the example of Poland | 01.10.2024

We would like to draw your attention to the webinar 'AHV Fokus / Recht und Vertrieb in Europa am Beispiel POLEN', which will take place on 1 October and is organised by AHV NRW. The webinar will be held in German.


Summer Evening of the AHK Polska in Warsaw

Last Friday, the summer evening event of AHK Polska took place in Warsaw, and we had the pleasure of welcoming over 450 guests to celebrate the start of summer together.



We welcomed over 100 guests from business, politics and society to our German-Turkish business reception, which we organised together with NRW Global Business and the German-Turkish business association ATIAD.

Digital VC Roundtable Düsseldorf "Future Fund" (Dr. Jörg Kukies, BMF) - Recording online

On 31 August 2021, we welcomed Dr Jörg Kukies, a top-class guest from Berlin, to our monthly VC Roundtable Düsseldorf. The State Secretary of the Federal Ministry of Finance answered all questions on the topic of the equity fund for technologies of the future ("Future Fund").