

Act for mitigation of COVID-19-consequences: What companies and entrepreneurs need to know now!

In order to cope with the COVID 19 pandemic, the German legislator has passed temporary changes in the area of bankruptcy law, commercial tenancy law, corporate law, loan law, and performance-refusal law.


New Year Vernissage & Guest exhibition in cooperation with Galerie Ars Cracovia

We are very pleased about the guest exhibition of the Cologne art gallery Ars Cracovia, which is currently enriching our office premises. Until summer, abstract works by the Polish artist Ewa Sadowska, as well as selected sculptures by Tadeusz Łodziana and objects by Andrzej Bednarczy can be viewed.


TIGGES Partner Dr. Dominik Wagner, LL.M. @Legalmondo Blog: How to set up a company in Germany

TIGGES partner Dr. Dominik Wagner, LL.M. gives in the blog of Legalmondo, an online platform for international legal services, an overview for foreign investors who want to start a business in Germany.